Publication Process

Peer Review Process

 Link to the publication process workflow and flowchart Here

Timeline from article submission to issuance of acceptance is typically 2-3 months.

  1. Manuscript Submission:
    • Authors submit their manuscripts online through the journal’s submission system.
    • All identifying information about the authors is removed from the manuscript to ensure anonymity during the review process.
  2. Editorial Office Processing:
    • The editorial office receives the submitted manuscript and performs an initial check for adherence to submission guidelines.
    • The manuscript is assigned a unique identifier to maintain anonymity during the review process.
  3. Assignment to Reviewers:
    • The Editor-in-Chief or Associate Editor assigns the manuscript to appropriate reviewers based on their expertise and availability.
    • Reviewers can be both editorial members and/or external experts.
    • Reviewers are selected carefully to ensure impartial evaluation of the manuscript’s quality and scientific merit.
  4. Peer Review:
    • Reviewers assess the manuscript’s quality, originality, methodology, significance, and adherence to ethical standards.
    • Reviewers provide constructive feedback and recommend acceptance, revision, or rejection based on their evaluation.
  5. Editorial Decision:
    • The Editor-in-Chief or Associate Editor evaluates the reviewers & comments and recommendations.
    • Based on reviewer feedback, the editor makes a decision on whether to accept, reject, or request revisions to the manuscript.
  6. Author Notification:
    • Authors are notified of the editorial decision, along with reviewers comments and recommendations which are anonymized.
    • If revisions are requested, authors are provided with clear instructions on how to address reviewers concerns.
  7. Revisions and Resubmission:
    • Authors revise the manuscript according to reviewers & comments and submit the revised version along with a detailed response to reviewer’s comments.
  8. Final Decision:
    • The editor evaluates the revised manuscript and decides whether it meets the journal’s standards for publication.
    • The ultimate decision for publication is taken by the Chief and Associate Editors
    • If the manuscript is accepted, it moves to the production stage for formatting and publication.
  9. Publication:
    • The accepted manuscript undergoes copyediting, typesetting, and proofreading to ensure accuracy and consistency.
    • Reviews are not published along with the accepted version of the manuscript.
    • The final version of the manuscript is published in the journal’s upcoming issue, both in print and online format.